If you have a health problem and want to schedule an initial cardiology examination, set an appointment for a routine annual examination or a mandatory check-up, you can do so by phone, fax or our website. You can choose an examination or control appointment, choose a cardiologist, as well as a time period that suits you.
Our goal is to offer the simplest and most flexible choice of scheduling an examination using appointment reservations through the website of the Medical Institute Bayer Special Hospital. To schedule an appointment this way, visit the “Our staff” section, where you can select the desired doctor and by clicking the button for scheduling an appointment, book an appointment with the selected doctor. There will be fields in front of you that you need to fill in, and you can also send your previous medical documentation.
All information about the necessary specialist examinations, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and ordering at the Medical Institute Special Hospital “Medical Institute Bayer” can be obtained through our Reception Office, which is open every working day from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the following phone numbers:
Phone: 035\309-108 – Nurse Erna Sejfulović (Cardiology Department)
Tel: 035\309-123 – Nurse Leila Ćorhodžić (Cardiovascular Department)
Fax: 035\309-240.
In the same way, you can confirm your arrival, change the appointment or cancel the examination.
Take care of whether you have the legal right and possibility to come to our Center for a “Referral”, whereby you will not bear the costs of interventional cardiology and cardiosurgical procedures.
Health insurance funds in BiH in certain cases offer the possibility of giving consent and a referral from a general practitioner, by means of which you can be exempted from paying for the aforementioned medical services.
You can read more information at the following link.
When it comes to appointments, we are extremely considerate of our patients and strive to honor the agreed time of the medical examination. Given that there are many patients, it can sometimes happen that you will wait longer than expected for an examination. The staff will inform you if there is a reason for the delay.
We advise you to register at the Center 10 minutes before the scheduled appointment. Patients will be admitted to the doctor according to the order of scheduled examinations, not according to arrival.
If you have a problem with organizing transport to the special hospital “Medical Institute Bayer” Tuzla, our transport service is at your disposal 24 hours a day. Patients are transported in state-of-the-art medical and luxury vehicles accompanied by professional medical staff. You can get more information by calling the listed phone numbers.
Zdravstvena ustanova Specijalna bolnica "Medical Institute Bayer" Tuzla već godinama zauzima lidersku poziciju u dijagnostici i tretmanu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u BiH i regionu.
Sva prava zadržava MIB