Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart with color doppler) is an imaging, non-invasive and painless diagnostic method in cardiology, which provides insight into the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is a painless method that has no risk and does not harm the patient and can be repeated many times.
The use of cardiac ultrasound with color doppler is essential in assessing the health status of patients with suspected or already diagnosed cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, irregular or accelerated heart rate, chest pain, rapid fatigue, episodes of loss of consciousness, in diabetics, patients on hemo or radiotherapy), as well as preventively in people who have family and personal high risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (obesity, smoking, elevated blood fats, physical inactivity, etc.).
With this examination, information can be obtained about the dimensions of the heart structures, the mobility of the heart, the total strength of the heart muscle – ejection fraction (EF), the function and morphology of the heart valves, the condition of the heart envelope – pericardium and the presence of internal tumors.
The color doppler method enables an insight into the speed of blood flow through the cardiac orifices and the diagnosis of congenital or acquired heart defects.
Echocardiography with color doppler is performed by having the patient lie on the left side during the examination with the left arm bent at the elbow, which is placed under the head. The cardiologist passes the probe of the ultrasound device, on which he has not previously applied a little gel, over the skin of the left side of the chest, while the patient does not feel any pain. The examination usually lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. After the examination, the cardiologist will remove the ultrasound gel from the skin with a towel. He will then comment on the test results and give you further instructions related to your health. The written report is ready immediately.
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