Modern methods of general and regional anesthesia enable quality performance of cardiac and vascular procedures, as well as other surgical disciplines that are being developed at the Bayer Medical Institute, and endoscopic diagnostic procedures for the best treatment of our patients.
The equipment of our operating rooms with state-of-the-art anesthesiology equipment fulfills all the conditions for conducting and maintaining general anesthesia and monitoring of vital functions during surgery.
Our Intensive Care and Therapy Unit enables postoperative treatment of patients, and 24-hour patient care is provided by highly trained medical staff who have the most up-to-date equipment and facilities for intensive monitoring and treatment of the most severe patients.
Zdravstvena ustanova Specijalna bolnica "Medical Institute Bayer" Tuzla već godinama zauzima lidersku poziciju u dijagnostici i tretmanu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u BiH i regionu.
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