The Radiology and Interventional Radiology Center provides up-to-date radiological diagnostic services through state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained medical staff.
Diagnostic radiology offers the ability to diagnose whole body disease using state-of-the-art solutions. The segment of diagnostic radiology has RTG and CT machines that enable diagnostics of diseases of the brain, lungs, abdomens, blood vessels and special techniques of micro CT diagnostics, virtual bronchoscopies and colonoscopies as well as other standard and non-standard diagnostic procedures.
As part of interventional radiology, we have a modern angiography room where we provide interventional vascular and non-vascular therapy and diagnostics services.
Our great advantage is the speed, efficiency and ability to work closely with other medical disciplines within the Bayer Medical Institute, significantly shortening the path from diagnosis to final treatment.
Zdravstvena ustanova Specijalna bolnica "Medical Institute Bayer" Tuzla već godinama zauzima lidersku poziciju u dijagnostici i tretmanu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u BiH i regionu.
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