Preparing patients for surgery and other invasive procedures in some cases involves exclusion of therapeutic medicines they use. You will be informed in detail and in a timely manner about all the steps you need to take before the treatment. You can also read the details on this on the following links:
Preparation for selective coronography
On the day of surgery, the patient carries out personal hygiene and waits on a sterile sheet on a bed.
A nurse is with the patient all the time, cordially talks to him to deal with any suspicion and fear of the procedure, and to provide the patient with information about all the details.
Of course, doctors are also available to the patients at any time for any reason, and there is no reason to hesitate to talk to them. They will tell you all the details in order to be fully informed.
The surgical procedures we perform in Medical Institute Bayer may seem terrible, but remember that these are routine procedures for our experts and that you have no reason to worry about it. Patients come to us with a problem and leave with a smile.
You will be asked to sign a consent form if you will be subjected to a procedure that requires the use of anesthetics or a procedure that may have significant side effects or complications. This will confirm that you understand the details given to you by a doctor or consultant and that you consent to the described medical treatment.
Nurses will provide your family with a contact telephone number and a telephone number of the department where you will be acommodated, so that, at any time of the day, they can get information about your health.
Upon completion of an operation or an invasive diagnosis, they will invite your family members to inform them about the results of the medical treatment, your current health status, and when they can visit you and how much your hospital stay is planned.
Our staff is also available through e-mail beyond working hours, through which nurses respond to asked questions from family members of the patient who is hospitalized.
Zdravstvena ustanova Specijalna bolnica "Medical Institute Bayer" Tuzla već godinama zauzima lidersku poziciju u dijagnostici i tretmanu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u BiH i regionu.
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