The ergometric (stress) test is a very important diagnostic and prognostic tool in assessing the ability of the heart, lungs and vascular system. The test can be performed in several ways. In our Center, we perform the ergometric test on a BICYCLE ERGOMETER. When performing this test, the load-resistance to turning the pedals gradually increases so that the patient has to make a greater physical effort to overcome this resistance.
When performing this test, the cardiologist monitors your electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate and blood pressure all the time and registers any changes when the load changes.
Most often, we use the ergometric test:
When assessing whether symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, palpitations are the result of heart or other organ disease,
In order to find out whether there is a probability of the presence of coronary disease – disease of the arteries of the heart,
When analyzing the effect of drugs on the heart,
To detect arrhythmias-disorders in the work of the heart,
To check the functioning of the valvular heart apparatus,
Preparation for performing the ergo test:
In the evening and on the day of the test, OMIT beta-blockers (medicines that slow down the heart rhythm) from the therapy, such as: Bisoprolol (Byol, Tensec, Concor, Probilol, Bisocor), Nebivolol (Nebilet), Metoprolol (Corvitol, Mathador, Presolol, Bloxan), Carvedilol (Dilatrend, Milenol), Sotalol (Darob), Atenolol (Aminol),
On the day of the test, DO NOT TAKE coronary dilators (Monizol, Dilcoran, Lopion, Molicor, Isosorb R).
It is mandatory to take all other therapy (especially for blood pressure), except in the case of patients taking antiarrhythmic drugs (Propafen or Amiodarone) consult a cardiologist who needs to do the test.
Patients who have not had a cardiology examination for more than a month before the test should undergo an examination. It is preferable to perform an EHO of the heart before the test. If patients have an ECHOcardiographic examination done earlier, it must not be older than 6 months.
The day before the test date or on the day of the test, it is desirable to do K in the serum.
2-3 hours before the test, eat a light meal to avoid a hypoglycemic reaction. Do not consume coffee, caffeinated beverages, Coca-Cola, or smoke cigarettes.
Put on/bring light shoes (preferably sneakers) and suitable clothes for fast walking or cycling. Come rested and sleepy.
Diabetics should eat something before the test, drink their usual oral therapy, and patients on insulin therapy should reduce the dose of insulin by 2-4 iu before the test.
Women should not take the test during menstruation.
Bring complete medical documentation. In case of complaints, be sure to inform the doctor.
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