Medical Institute Bayer has at its disposal an Emergency Medical Assistance Service with 24-hour assistance to life-threatened people with cardiovascular problems, regardless of their place of residence, and we are one of the most successful hospitals in the region for helping people in urgent health care .
The transport center of the Center is at your disposal for 24 hours. In the most modern medical vehicles, patients are transported accompanied by professional medical personnel.
In emergency situations, when a life-threatening patient can not receive adequate medical treatment in his city, he is transported by a medical vehicle or helicopter to Medical Institute Bayer.
In this case, our medical staff will immediately take care of the patient in order to avoid life-threatening situation, and contact the commission of the clinical center in the city from which the patient comes, for explanation and preparation of documentation.
In the near future, we will distribute our capacities across the entire country in the form of “satellite centers” that will have the task of quickly accepting urgent cases of heart disease, rapid diagnostics and rapid transport to the Center.
This excellent performance can only be maintained if people use emergency services for the right reasons, and not as an alternative to their treatment in the usual way. Emergency departments are strictly and soley for emergency cases.
Zdravstvena ustanova Specijalna bolnica "Medical Institute Bayer" Tuzla već godinama zauzima lidersku poziciju u dijagnostici i tretmanu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u BiH i regionu.
Sva prava zadržava MIB