Enes Kruša



He is proud, he says, that he has the opportunity to learn from the best in this field, and that he is honored to be part of that team.

Enes Kruša is employed at the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the Medical Institute Bayer Special Hospital, Tuzla. He was born on March 22, 1986 in Foča. He completed primary and secondary dental school and the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo.

He graduated from medicine in 2012/2013, and during his studies he independently financed his studies and private life. He says that his love for surgery was born even before enrolling in the Faculty of Medicine, so that is one of the reasons for enrolling. After graduating from college, he applied for a job in all of BiH, without restrictions on where he lives. What was important to him was work and the fulfillment of his life’s desires.

Not long after graduating from college, he got the opportunity to volunteer at the “Medical Institute Bayer” Tuzla Special Hospital. From the very beginning, he was in the department of cardiovascular surgery, which was basically his wish. After 6 months of volunteering, he got the opportunity for a contract and his first salary. He worked as a secondary student for the next two years and, after fulfilling the requirements, received a specialization in general surgery. dr. Enes says that afterwards he would generally like to focus on cardiovascular surgery. He has been an employee of this Institute for 4 years and 6 months.

He stays in the operating room every day, except on weekends, when emergency operations are performed where he has the opportunity to assist, as a second and sometimes as a first assistant. After the hall, he takes care of the patients in the ward, together with his colleagues.

During the education of volunteers, he actively participates in their professional training. He is proud, he says, that he has the opportunity to learn from the best in this field, and that he is honored to be part of that team.

He uses two foreign languages actively, English and Turkish.

Privately, he does recreational kick boxing, actively trains in his spare time. He trained in karate for 7 years, worked as a coach and actively competed and won medals in fights and katas. He also led fitness and aerobics training. With the employees of this Institute, he started a fitness program for all employees.

dr. Enes also plays the piano, since in addition to the compulsory secondary education he also completed a junior music school. He says that he regularly played at concerts organized at the Mladen Pozajić Music School, and he also participated in competitions.

He is currently single.


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